Business Philosophy

Working Philosophy

            My Pillars of Belief
1. My business is built on relationships and trust. My relationships with my clients and with each other are more important than the money or the deal

2. I believe integrity (doing what I promise) is the key to building trust and relationships with my clients and with each other.

3. I believe in the proper use of technology – to enhance relationships and service.

4. I believe in putting my clients first:
a. I will keep their information confidential – it will not be sold or given away
b. I will avoid conflicts of interest
c. I will practice the “Ten Commandments of Client Service”

 5. I believe in focusing on what I do best – Residential Real Estate.

 6. I believe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (synergy).
The Five Commitments

 1. Commitment to Mastery
 2. Commitment to my Clients
 3. Commitment to my Communities
 4. Commitment to Being Leaders in Real Estate
 5. Commitment to a Successful Outcome